Sonntag, 3. April 2016

Elite: Picturesque II: Nebula Adventures

This time I'm diggin through some nice screenshots from just after I sold my Imperial Clipper and went back to a good old Asp Explorer. I then went on a short trip to some nearby black holes and followed up with visiting some nebulas on the way back. Enjoy!

Elite: Picturesque II: Nebula Adventures

The Purple Planet. Nice craters! For those of you who know: I made a short video of the black hole in this system, but it didn't turn out well.
This nice (and rather dusty) screenshot was made on another planet in the same system.

For some reason this planet also had a prominent giant crater. 
Though from up close the crater looks more like a dent. Whatever hit this planet either spiraled back into space or just burst and spread itself accross the surface.

Chances are, this little bugger nicked our dented planet at some point in the past.

I took some time out at this point to explore the crater/dent-region. Sadly I continued to be unlucky with finding synthesis materials. I have enough stuff to reload weapons I don't use dozens of times, but only enough strange metals for a single, low-level jump boost!

My favourite kind of hyperspace jump: Jumping from just a couple kilometers above the surface. (I wonder if we will get fined if we ever do this above a populated world like Earth?)

Random Earth-like planet! Also in case you're wondering why the formatting changes several times through this post, it's because this shitty blogging software gets unresponsive sometimes. Unreliable shit, I should really work more on my Wordpress-blog.

The same planet, but with my golden Asp in the foreground. In the background, you can see traces of the Horsehead-Nebula.

The Horsehead-Nebula in all it's glory!

The same nebula, but with my Asp in the foreground.

Messier 78 another and much smaller nebula close by. 

Messier 78 from another angle, with some other nebulas visible behind it.

This screenshot is from around the Orion Nebula. At least I think it is. (I really have to make better notes about stuff like this.)



Freitag, 1. April 2016

Elite: Picturesque I: The Day of the Clipper

Today I'm all about sharing: Sharing pictures!

Elite: Dangerous - Horizons- 

The Day of the Clipper

1. Planetary Landing on some Random Dustball

What is says above, my Imperial Clipper trying to set down on some really dusty planet somewhere.

Aaaaaand landing succesful!

It's like being on the moon, just thousands of light years away!

 This is an Imperial Clipper, by the way. Not the best space explorer, but one of the fanciest. By now replaced again by an actual exploration ship, but for a while it was nice.

After setting down in this nice crater, I went out and explored this mountain at the center.

I tried my best to get up there, but my little space buggy couldn't make it to the top without tumbling down again.

So I went into total "FUCK YOU!!!"-mode and made this screenshot to prove my anger. (Don't worry, I didn't actually crash. It was a near thing, though.)

2. Visiting Space Aliens 


Space Aliens are real in Elite, and I will prove this.

Already, there are strange things visible in the distance.


Let's take a look!

And with that I of course mean let's shoot it to pieces! That's what you do with alien crap, right?

After grabbing some crafting materials and some strange alien meta-alloys, I head back to my (for this trip recolored) Imperial Clipper.

And that's it already for today! I have some more pictures, but putting them up all at once would be a little overwhelming.

-To Be Continued-